Free-Hand Drawing: Light and Shade and Free-Hand Perspective for the Use of Art Students and Teachers (Classic Reprint)
Wooah this is the most sought after at the moment, and the good news is that these two books are now available on our service, would you like to read them in full ??
But before reading a little synopsis first, I will include it below ...
Excerpt from Free-Hand Drawing: Light and Shade and Free-Hand Perspective for the Use of Art Students and Teachers The notes on Model Drawing, forming the body of this book, were prepared for the use of the students of the Massachusetts Normal Art School. They were printed without illustrations, as explanations of the drawings given in the course of lectures on this subject, and will be of little assistance to those not taking the lectures. Having been requested for the book by persons not students of the school, and realizing that drawing is often poorly taught, especially in our public schools, and being unable to recommend a book which treats the subject simply and presents artistic methods of work, I concluded to rewrite the notes, adapting them to general use, and meeting, as far as possible, the demand for a text-book on the principles of free-hand drawing. The book is intended especially for teachers, and at first glance the artist may think it considers more theory than is
And this is as detailed as the book ...
Author : Anson K. Cross
Pages : 238 pages
Publisher : Forgotten Books
Language :
ISBN-10 : 1330839358
ISBN-13 : 9781330839355
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Free-Hand Drawing: Light and Shade and Free-Hand Perspective for the Use of Art Students and Teachers (Classic Reprint)
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