The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You

Wooah this is the most sought after at the moment, and the good news is that these two books are now available on our service, would you like to read them in full ??

The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You&image=

But before reading a little synopsis first, I will include it below ...


Work with data like a pro using this guide that breaks down how to organize, apply, and most importantly, understand what you are analyzing in order to become a true data ninja.From the stock market to genomics laboratories, census figures to marketing email blasts, we are awash with data. But as anyone who has ever opened up a spreadsheet packed with seemingly infinite lines of data knows, numbers aren't enough: we need to know how to make those numbers talk. In The Model Thinker, social scientist Scott E. Page shows us the mathematical, statistical, and computational models?from linear regression to random walks and far beyond?that can turn anyone into a genius. At the core of the book is Page's "many-model paradigm," which shows the reader how to apply multiple models to organize the data, leading to wiser choices, more accurate predictions, and more robust designs. The Model Thinker provides a toolkit for business people, students, scientists, pollsters, and bloggers to make them


And this is as detailed as the book ...


Author : Scott E. Page

Pages : 464 pages

Publisher : Basic Books

Language :

ISBN-10 : 1541675711

ISBN-13 : 9781541675711




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The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You


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